31/07/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 09/01/75
Make preparations instead of waiting.
Have you made all three stages of being incorporeal, angelic and corporeal the same? Just as you find it easy tostabilise yourself in the corporeal form, so too, do you experience it just as easy to stabilise yourself in your angelicform which is your perfect form, and in your eternal form which is the incorporeal stage? The corporeal form is youroriginal form and the incorporeal form is your eternal form. Do you find it easier to stabilise yourself in the originalform or in your eternal form? That is the eternal form, and the corporeal form is the form that goes throughtransformation. So which form should it be easy to stabilise in? Do you naturally have the awareness of thecorporeal form? Or, do you naturally have the awareness of the incorporeal form? Or, do you have to make effort toremember them? What need is there to bring into your awareness the form of what you are and how you are? Haveyou not as yet become an embodiment of remembrance? Is this the stage at the end, or is it that those who practisethis over a long period of time are able to attain this stage and pass with honour? At present, the thought in the mindof effort衫akers is that they will become victorious, free from obstacles and the destroyers of obstacles at the end.This thought is a royal form of carelessness, that is, it is royal form of Maya; it creates an obstacle to your becomingcomplete. This carelessness doesn't allow you to become an embodiment of success or an image that is equal to theFather's. The other thought you have is of counting the time to destruction. You continue to think: What willhappen? How will it happen? Will it happen or not? This is not the direct form, but instead, it is the direct form ofdoubt; therefore, you don't tell them directly, but instead you use royal words, "What will happen? How will ithappen?" You think in this way. Just as time is coming close, so too, are you making yourselves as close as thosegolden苔ged deities in their specialities? Do you know why or for whom destruction is to take place? Destructionwill take place for the intense effort衫akers and those souls who become complete in order for them to experience thereward of the perfect world and satopradhan elements. So, should you continue to count the moments to destructionor should you be constantly counting the qualifications of becoming like the Father, again and again, in order to makeyourselves perfect and satopradhan?
Instead of waiting for the time of destruction, you should engage yourself in the preparations for making yourselfcomplete and perfect like the Father. Instead, you spend a lot of time in waiting. If those who are to experience thisreward spend their time waiting, then they enable a subtle thought to reach all those other ordinary souls who receivean ordinary reward. As a result, the majority of souls use the words, "We will see about this when destruction takesplace." "When we see the practical influence, then we will also make effort". "Who knows what will happen or howit will happen?" Even these vibrations of the instrument souls become the reason for making others weak and deprivethem of their fortune. At present, all of you have the stage of being a world mother or world father or a mastercreator. So, every thought and vibration of the attitude of a creator would definitely reach the creation. This is why,whatever actions others see you perform at the present time, they will do the same. Do not just pay attention to this,but together with this, also pay attention to whatever thoughts you have and what your attitude is like because thatvibration will definitely spread into the atmosphere and into other souls. It is essential to keep this slogan in yourawareness, otherwise, the creation of you creators will be weak, that is, they will become those who claim a lowstatus. The weakness of the creator will very clearly be visible in the creation. Therefore, now make your weak soulspowerful. The saying that the world was created through thought applies to the present time. As is your thought, soyou will be instrumental in creating such a creation. Therefore, it is remembered that every star is a world on its own.
Do you move along with this awareness and consider yourself to be the support for many souls, or do you think thatthis is BapDada's task? Is this Baba's task or yours? Do those who receive the reward have to make the effort ordoes the Father have to make effort? Just as you don't wish to miss even a little bit when it comes to taking, or, at thetime of receiving, you don't consider yourself to be any less than anyone else, but instead you think that you too havea right, in the same way, do you consider yourself to have a right to do everything? Or, is it that at the time of doingsomething, you think that you are still small and that the task is for the elders? And, at the time of receiving, youthink that even you small ones are no less and that even the young ones should have all rights? Even the youngshould consider themselves to be old. What is the law: that those who do something will receive the return or thatthose who think about something will receive the return? Make your thinking, speaking and doing all the same. Ifyou only think and speak of very elevated things but don't do anything at all, then because you spend your time inthinking and speaking, you will not be able to attain whatever you could have by actually doing it. You will then notonly deprive yourself of the elevated attainment, but you will also deprive your creation. Therefore, do more andspeak less. Always remember the aim that you will attain something by making effort. "I too should be considered tobe a maharathi. I should be considered serviceable; I should also receive all rights; I should be given love and co觔peration." These are not things to be asked for. You automatically attain success in all these things as a result of elevated actions, an elevated attitude and elevated thoughts. Therefore, do not waste time in ordinary thoughts orwaste thoughts. Do you understand?
To such souls who are equal to the Father in performing such actions and having those virtues; to those who considerthemselves to be responsible whilst creating every thought; to those who finish their carelessness even in theirthoughts; to those who are constantly equal to the Father and who fulfil the responsibility of being a companion; to those who play their every part as a detached observer; to the most elevated souls, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
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